Working with Moldavite

How to Use Moldavite

First Encounter:
In modern times, Moldavite has become known as one of the more prized stones for metaphysical purposes. With wildly varying effects, it’s known to create reactions from mild to almost overwhelming, known for everything from cleansing the physical, to to spiritual breakthroughs, the common denominator definitely being acceleration of one’s spiritual growth. “Moldavite Flush” is a term coined to describe the reaction many people have when working with this powerful crystal for the first time, as it can create a sense of heat, and tingling. This normally starts in the hand it’s being held in, then progressively throughout the body, even causing redness in the skin. In some cases this is accompanied by a rapid opening of the heart chakra, causing strange, though not painful sensations in the chest, as well as upwelling of emotions, and a drastic shift of perspective. Other effects of this powerful stone include pulsations in the hand while holding the stone, tingling of the third eye, a feeling of lightheadedness, dizziness, and even occasional senses of being lifted out of one’s body. After the stone has a chance to set in, and its frequencies begin to resonate with those of the user,  most people find that moldavite excites their energies, speeding up their vibrations. This is  especially so for the first days or weeks, until one really becomes acclimated to the dynamic vibrational properties of this crystal. Some people however, especially starborns, or starseeds, find that moldavite relaxes them, and feels like home, giving them a connection to their cosmic origins.

moldavite metaphysical properties

Dream Work and Meditation:
Moldavite can dramatically add to and intensify one’s dream life, making it more vivid and meaningful. Taping a piece of moldavite to the third eye can amplify this effect, producing a deeper inner experience and helping one to discern messages sent from higher realms. This can create an effective catalyst for self healing, clearing blockages, and opening the meridians, as well as energizing the interconnections between all aspects of one’s etheric, astral, causal, and physical bodies. Working with moldavite can cause meditations to become much deeper and more powerful, raising one’s level of overall awareness. This talisman of spiritual awakening will bring transformation, evolutionary growth,  and aid in one’s ability to connect with spirit guides, thus, accelerating one’s connection to the divine. These effects will trickle into all areas of the life of the user. Jobs and relationships can evolve, helping to really identify the healthy, productive aspects of one’s  current situation,  as well as the things that aren’t aiding in the growth of the individual.

moldavite metaphysical properties

Moldavite and the Chakras:
Chakras are energy centers within the human body that help to regulate its processes. Originating from sanskrit, chakra literally translates to wheel, and the spinning of these seven important chakras regulate almost every function that takes place inside our body. From organ health, to physical pain, to our body’s ability to deal with stress and trauma, these relays along our spine and their alignment is crucial to our overall health. From the top of the head, to the tip of the toes, there is a chakra associated with everything that takes place in the spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual well being.  Moldavite is most closely associated with the 4th, or heart chakra, its beautiful green energy bringing a sense of love, warmth, and compassion into the life of anyone working with it. This chakra is the center of the energetic system in our body, and this crystal’s vibrations can bring compassion, empathy, forgiveness, grief, and our ability to deal with it. Most stones only have the ability to affect one chakra, while this potent gem and its high  vibrations can activate any and all chakras. Typically starting wherever there is any sort of blockages or wounds, it will first clear these areas and then move into harmonic balance with one’s entire energetic system. This resonance and activation in one’s energy network can spread rapidly, increasing synchronicities in their frequency and significance, as well enhancing one’s sensitivity and ability to identify them.

moldavite metaphysical properties

In Everyday Life:
The high vibrations of this stone can alter one’s energy pattern, creating an intensification in spiritual vitality, leading to accelerated progress on the path to one’s highest destiny.  Many of these effects are very similar to what legend states might have been encountered through exposure and use of the holy grail, helping whoever possessed it to fully awaken, truly realizing the intelligence of the human heart. Through the heart’s electromagnetic field and its unmeasurable field of subtle energies, one may directly perceive the conditions of other people in the world. This field resonates through everything, from atoms to galaxies, from the soul of the individual to the cosmic consciousness. Through the will of the heart, it is possible to alter reality, in knowing this, one is granted and tasked with the responsibility of willing the highest good from each aspect in their life without knowing what form it may take.This crystal is also unique in its ability to spiritualize and energize the powers of other stones one may be wearing or working with at the same time. Moldavite’s high vibrations will not allow negative energies or entities to affect the aura, bringing balance in the relationships and interactions one may encounter or develop. This will induce exponential positive changes in one’s life and help align one’s life to the path of truth and realize their destiny.

moldavite metaphysical properties

Physical Health:
Moldavite is known as less of a healing crystal, and more of an activation crystal, but this doesn’t mean that it can’t have positive effects on the physical body of the user. This crystal can be used to help treat almost any physical condition because of its ability to identify and isolate the deeper, more profound, root causes of these physical ailments. For this reason, moldavite has been used throughout the ages by people who may have deep, long time issues that they just can’t seem to get to the bottom of. This process opens the door to treatment in conjunction with other healing stones to eliminate the problem  and create space for positive energy. It has even been known to help identify cancer and other issues when modern technology and standard medical procedure may have missed it. Working with this crystal can do everything from lower stress, rejuvenate tissues and cells, treat respiratory issues, oxygenate the blood, aid in fertility, and even slow down the aging process.


When Shaped:
Having fallen from the sky, being created during a cosmic explosion, this sacred glass is formed without uniformed crystalline structure. When faceted into gems and other forms, some of these forms can enhance and amplify  its energies. Forms which can magnify the energies of moldavite include pyramids, platonic solids, spheres, star tetrahedrons, and magicians stones. The most powerful gem cuts are said to be round, brilliant, radiant octagon, trilliant, and oval. Round beads are both gentle and powerful. Like spheres, they allow an even omnidirectional flow of moldavite’s vibrations, accompanied by a sort of softness, which is said to come from the stones’ round shape. This crystal is also ideal for use in making energy tools. Whether glued or otherwise attached to other stones, both energies will be magnified, It can be a great addition to wands headbands, templates, grids, and many other devices to intensify their effects.   

moldavite metaphysical properties


Psychic Expansion:
Moldavite is believed to have its own cosmic oversoul, which can help one to connect with the ascended masters and access the akashic record. This stone is also said to have the ability to transcend time, making it an incredibly useful stone for anyone engaged in past life regression or exploring their spiritual path in all directions of time, helping to clear unwanted baggage from the past. It heightens self awareness and helps to uncover thoughts, feelings or emotions which may be keeping us stuck, and allowing one to move forward and see the possible outcomes of the future. Due to its extraterrestrial origins, it can also activate psychic abilities, allowing us to transform our lives. It is not uncommon to have an epiphany while working with this stone, or to have contact with otherworldly beings of higher vibrations, bringing knowledge of the divine into the grasp of the previously “ordinary” mind. There are many who believe that some of the great minds in history responsible for technological leaps, like Tesla, or Da Vinci, understood the vibrations of these crystals.  They were able to use them to tune into higher frequencies and communicate with advanced beings or interdimensionales, expanding their consciousness, and thus aiding in their inventions. These leaps set the stage for the world we live in today.


Pairing with Stones and Crystals